- To liquify
- To lock up
- To make dim
- To make equal
- To point at
- To pour out
- To protrude
- To pull ones leg
- To purge
- To put before
- To put it mildly
- To rub
- To sail
- To sail into someone
- To save up
- To seek out
- To send
- To set against
- To smoke tobacco
- To sob
- To solidify
- To some extent
- To speak the same language
- To spend idly
- To spit
- To spread around
- To spring up
- To squander
- To straighten
- To strate in anger
- To wait for
- To walk about
- To wash
- To waste wrecklessly
- To watch
- To wear off
- To yield fruit
- Tobacconist
- Toboggan
- Tollage
- Tomato
- Tomato puree
- Tomboy
- Tome
- Tomfool
- Tomography
- Tomtit
- Toneless
- Tongue twister
- Tonic
- Tonne
- Torrential rain
- Torrid
- Tortuousness
- Tortured
- Toryism
- Toss
- Total
- Total recall
- Totalitarianism
- Totem
- Tour de force
- Tourism
- Tourists resort
- Tournedo
- Tourniquet
- Touse
- Tout
- Toward
- Tower
- Town councillor
- Town-talk
- Townie
- Trade price
- Trade secret
- Trademark
- Tradition
- Traduce
- Tragic
- Tragic end
- Trail away
- Trailblazer
- Tranquillize
- Transaction
- Transatlantic
- Transborder
- Transcontinental
- Transcribe
- Transcription
- Transexual
- Transfer
- Transfer deed
- Transfer time
- Transferability
- Transferable accounts
- Transfiguration
- Transfigure
- Transfix
- Translucency
- Transmissible