- Transportation charge
- Transverse
- Transvestite
- Tread on the eggs
- Treadle
- Treason
- Treasure trove
- Treasure-house
- Treasured
- Treaty
- Treble
- Trebly
- Tree house
- Tree snake
- Trees to keep of thieves
- Triangulation
- Tribalism
- Trice
- Trick
- Trickery
- Trickle down
- Tricuspid bone
- Tried
- Triennial
- Trifle
- Trifurcation
- Triglicides
- Trilingual
- Trill
- Trimester
- Trimming
- Trimonthly
- Trio
- Trip up
- Truistic
- Tripartite
- Tripe
- Triplet
- Trophic level
- Trophis aspera
- Tropic
- Trot
- Trouble shoot
- Trouble-monger
- Troubles
- Troubleshooter
- Troubling
- Troupe
- Trouper
- Trouser suit
- Trousers
- Trust fund
- Trustee
- Trustfully
- Trusty
- Truthfulness
- Try ones luck
- Ttl
- Tube-well
- Tubular organ of the body
- Tuck into
- Tuff of cotton
- Tuft
- Tuft-hunter
- Tug
- Tulip-tree
- Tulu nayar
- Tumble-drier
- Turkish sword
- Turmoil
- Turn a deaf ear
- Turn back
- Turn ones mind
- Turn something to account
- Turn up
- Turned towards
- Turner
- Turners wheel
- Turning down
- Turnkey
- Turnover
- Turtle
- Turtle suit
- Tusk
- Tussle
- Tutelage
- Twist
- Twixt
- Two heads are better than one
- Two herbs
- Two strings to ones bow
- Typically
- Two-dimensional
- Two-handed
- Two-way
- Tearless
- Tigerish
- Tabitha
- Table of contents
- Table salt