- A bed of nails
- A bird
- Admass
- A bitter pill to swallow
- A brahmin who receives presents in honour of the dead
- A bunch of
- A cavity formed by folding togetherthe open palms
- A chip off the old block
- A collyrium
- A posteriori
- A power in the land
- A pyramid scheme
- A queen mother
- A race against time
- A resaissance man
- A roof over ones head
- A safe best
- A safe job
- A shade
- A siva chant
- A skeleton in the cupboard
- Abandon
- Abandonments
- Abash
- Abasing
- Abate
- Abattoir
- Abbey
- Abbot
- Abbreviated
- Abdomen
- Abdominal
- Abdominous
- Abductor
- Aboard
- Abode of ascetics
- Abodes
- Abolish
- Aboriginal hunters tribe
- Aborigine
- Abortion
- Abound in
- Abounds
- About
- Above par
- Absentation from mention
- Absolute majority
- Absolute ruler
- Absolution
- Absolve
- Absorber
- Abstain
- Abstention
- Abstract
- Accentuate
- Accessed
- Accidental
- Accidentality
- Acclamatory shouting
- Acclimatization
- Accommodation
- Acetic acid
- Ache
- Acid lemon
- Acidophilus
- Acidulous
- Acknowledge
- Acknowledged
- Acm
- Acne
- Acorn
- Acoustic
- Act of peace
- Action meter
- Action-packed
- Activate
- Active server pages
- Active service
- Active voice
- Actively
- Activeness
- Activewear
- Actress
- Actual
- Actualise
- Adhere
- Adhering
- Adjacent
- Adjoin
- Adjudge
- Adjudication
- Adjudicator
- Adjunct
- Adman
- Administer
- Administrating
- Administration
- Administrative
- Administrative system
- Adorer