- Yeld
- Yutz
- Y
- Y-level
- Yacht
- Yack
- Yah
- Yajna
- Yakuza
- Yam
- Yamas wand
- Yammer
- Yap
- Yarrow
- Yashmak
- Yawl-boat
- Yawn
- Yayathi
- Yen
- Year in year out
- Yearlong
- Yearly
- Yeasayer
- Yell
- Yelling
- Yellow book
- Yellow card
- Yellow fever
- Yellow line
- Yellow page
- Yellow-hued
- Yelp
- Yes!
- Yester eve
- Yesteryear
- Yesteryears
- Yex
- Yield
- Yielding
- Yielding rich harvest
- Yoked bullock
- Yolk
- Yonder
- You are a goner
- You never can tell
- Young
- Young and old
- Young female elephant
- Young girl
- Young married
- Young one
- Younger sister
- Youngish
- Youngling
- Youngster
- Your reverence
- Yours faithfully
- Youthful
- Yuga
- Yuletide
- Yuppie
- Ya to ha in malayalam
- Yadava
- Yaff
- Yak
- Yanavalkyas
- Yank
- Yankee
- Yard long beans
- Yardstick
- Yarn
- Ydc
- Ye
- Yea or nay
- Yearling
- Yeasty
- Yelk
- Yellow pine
- Yellow sapphire
- Yellow streak
- Yellow-bellied
- Yellowness
- Yeomanly
- Yeremilion
- Yerk
- Yes-man
- Yest
- Yields
- Yoga asana
- Yogic descripline
- Yoke
- Yokel
- You must know this
- Young at heart
- Young turk
- Younger
- Younger brother
- Youngest son of ravana
- Youngly
- Your