- Very strong
- Very wise
- Vesicle
- Vespers
- Vessel
- Vested interests
- Vestibular
- Vestigial
- Vetch
- Veteran
- Veto
- Vexatious
- Vexatious litigant
- Vexed
- Vey much
- Vga
- Vial
- Viaticum
- Vibraphone
- Vibrating
- Vice-president
- Vice-regal
- vicennial
- Vicennium
- Viceroy
- Viciously
- Victimization
- Victuals
- Vied
- Viewdata
- Viewed
- Viewpoint
- Vigil
- Vigilance
- Vignette
- Vile person
- Vilely
- Vilification
- Village headman
- Villain of the piece
- Villainous
- Villainy
- Vindictively
- Vintner
- Violable
- Violated
- Violation
- Violator
- Violent crack down
- Violent person
- Violet
- Violin
- Violinist
- Virgin forest
- Virginal
- Virginity
- Virile
- Virility
- Virtual
- Virtual reality
- Virtuous
- Virulence
- Visage
- Visaged
- Visakhadathan
- Viscid
- Viscocity
- Viscounts
- Vishnu
- Visibility
- Visiting hours
- Visual
- Visual aid
- Visualisation
- Visuality
- Visualization
- Viswamithra
- Vitally
- Vitamin
- Vitellus
- Vitiate
- Vitriol
- Vitriolic
- Vivacious
- Vividly
- Vividness
- Vixenish
- Vixenly
- Vocation
- Voguish
- Voice doubt
- Voice-over
- Voip
- Volant
- Volatile
- Volatile file
- Volatile oils
- Volcano
- Volcanology
- Volley-ball