- Afforestation
- Aflame
- African
- After hours
- Aftercare
- Afterlife
- Aggressiveness
- Agitated
- Agitated person
- Agitation
- Agnomen
- Agnostic
- Agnosticism
- Agonize
- Agony
- Agoraphobia
- Agree on
- Agreeable
- Air chief marshal
- Air cover
- Air force
- Air officer
- Air ones ideas
- Air terminal
- Air vice marshal
- Air-bed
- Air-brake
- Air-commodore
- Air-cooled
- Air-cooling
- Air-hole
- Aircraftwoman
- Airgun
- Airless
- Airlift
- Airpower
- Airs
- Airtime
- Airworthy
- Alacarte
- Alack
- Alameda
- Alarming
- Alimentary
- Alive
- Alkaline
- All
- All dressed up with nowhere to go
- All fools day
- All found
- All hail
- All in all
- All is well
- All out
- All set
- All squares
- All the best
- All the time
- All there
- All-powerful
- Allay
- Allegation
- Alleged
- Allegedly
- Allegorical
- Alms
- Aloft
- Alogical
- Along shore
- Alp
- Alphabet
- Alphabetical order
- Alphabets
- Already
- Altar piece
- Altercate
- Altercation
- Alternate
- Altimeter
- Altogether
- Alumni
- Alveolar
- Amalgam
- Amanuensis
- Analyze
- Ami
- Amidships
- Amiss
- Ammonia
- Amnesty
- Amok
- Among muslims
- Amusing
- An agony uncle
- An air of mystery
- An early bird
- An inter-planetary period
- An opening flower
- An upanishad
- Anatomically