- Aloft
- Alogical
- Along shore
- Alp
- Alphabet
- Alphabetical order
- Alphabets
- Already
- Altar piece
- Amaze
- Amazed
- Ambidexterity
- Ambidextor
- Ambiguousness
- Ambit
- Amble
- Ambrosial
- Ambuscade
- Ambush
- Amende honorable
- Amends
- Amenities
- Amount
- Amounting
- Ampalappuzha
- Amphipod
- Amphitheater
- Amphitheatre
- Amplitude
- Amputation
- Amranthus polystachys
- Amulet
- Amused
- Amusement arcade
- Amusing
- An agony uncle
- An air of mystery
- An early bird
- An inter-planetary period
- An opening flower
- An upanishad
- Anatomically
- Ancestors
- Ancestral
- Ancestral home
- Anchor
- Anchorage
- Anchorite
- Anchovy
- And
- And another thing
- And how
- And so forth
- Android
- Anecdotal
- Anemic
- Anemone
- Anesthetize
- Anew
- Angel
- Angiosperms
- Angler
- Anglican
- Annotation
- Announcing
- Annoy
- Annoying
- Annual
- Annul
- Annulment
- Annuls mirabilis
- Annunciate
- Anode
- Anoint
- Anointing sick
- Anole
- Anthelmintic
- Anther lobe
- Anthocephalus indicus
- Anthocyanins
- Anthropocene
- Anthropology
- Anthropomorphism
- Anti
- Anti virus software
- Anti-aircraft
- Anti-grammatical
- Anti-incumbent
- Anti-money laundering
- Antibiotic
- Anxiety disorders
- Any
- Any day now
- Anyplace
- Anything but
- Anything small
- Anyway
- Aourora
- Apathy
- Apepsy