- A devil kept under control by siva
- A doll-play
- A dream come true
- A fit of temper
- A game of cards
- A gentle as a lamb
- A golden age
- A good many
- Abandon
- Abandonments
- Abash
- Abasing
- Abate
- Abattoir
- Abbey
- Abbot
- Abbreviated
- Abdomen
- Abdominal
- Abdominous
- Abductor
- Aboard
- Abode of ascetics
- Abodes
- Abolish
- Aboriginal hunters tribe
- Aborigine
- Abortion
- Abound in
- Abounds
- About
- Above par
- Absentation from mention
- Absolute majority
- Absolute ruler
- Absolution
- Absolve
- Absorber
- Abstain
- Abstention
- Abstract
- Accentuate
- Accessed
- Accidental
- Accidentality
- Acclamatory shouting
- Acclimatization
- Accommodation
- Accrete
- Accrued expenses
- Accusatory
- Accuser
- Accusing
- Accusingly
- Ace player
- Acerbic
- Acquisitiveness
- Acquit
- Acrid
- Acridity
- Acrobatic feat
- Actually
- Acumen
- Acute pain
- Ad-lib
- Adagio
- Adams apple
- Adapt to
- Adaptableness
- Adaptation
- Adc
- Adhere
- Adhering
- Adjacent
- Adjoin
- Adjudge
- Adjudication
- Adjudicator
- Adjunct
- Adman
- Administer
- Administrating
- Administration
- Administrative
- Administrative system
- Adorer
- Adorning
- Adroitly
- Adulteress
- Adumbrate
- Adumbration
- Affulment
- Affection
- Affianced
- Affidavit
- Affiliate
- Affiliated
- Affirmative
- Affirmatively
- Affirmed