- Accmplished
- Airbrush
- Alyssum
- Amarasimhan
- Antiquarian
- Ascribable
- Aurist
- A bed of nails
- A bird
- Admass
- A bitter pill to swallow
- A brahmin who receives presents in honour of the dead
- A bunch of
- A cavity formed by folding togetherthe open palms
- A chip off the old block
- A collyrium
- A devil kept under control by siva
- A doll-play
- A dream come true
- A fit of temper
- A game of cards
- A gentle as a lamb
- A golden age
- A good many
- A good while
- A hand-blow
- A hard nut to crack
- A heavy heart
- A hell on earth
- A helping hand
- A hill tribe
- A hit below the belt
- A homely game
- A jain priest
- A lamb to the slaughter
- A lame duck
- A level
- A little
- Admin
- A lunar day
- A man easily provoked
- A man of letters
- A musical drm
- A peak of the western ghats
- A perfume
- A posteriori
- A power in the land
- A pyramid scheme
- A queen mother
- A race against time
- A resaissance man
- A roof over ones head
- A safe best
- A safe job
- A shade
- A siva chant
- A skeleton in the cupboard
- Abandon
- Abandonments
- Abash
- Abasing
- Abate
- Abattoir
- Abbey
- Abbot
- Abbreviated
- Abdomen
- Abdominal
- Abdominous
- Abductor
- Aberrational
- Abetment
- Abhorrence
- Abide
- Abide way
- Abiding
- Abigail
- Abjudication
- Abjure
- Ablative case
- Ablest
- Ablution
- Ablutophobia
- Abnegate
- Aboard
- Abode of ascetics
- Abodes
- Abolish
- Aboriginal hunters tribe
- Aborigine
- Abortion
- Abound in
- Abounds
- About
- Above par
- Absentation from mention
- Absolute majority
- Absolute ruler
- Absolution
- Absolve