- Materialization
- Maternity
- Maternity leave
- Maternity pay
- Mathras
- Matin
- Matinee
- Matricidal
- Matricide
- Matriculate
- Matrilinear
- Matrilocl
- Matrimonial
- Matrimony
- Matrix
- Matted
- Matter
- Matter of record
- Mattock
- Maudlin
- Maundy thursday
- Mausoleum
- Maximum
- Maximum development
- Maximum price
- Mayday
- Mazy
- Mba
- Mc
- Mcc
- Md
- Mdr
- Meadow
- Meal
- Meals
- Mean well
- Meaningful
- Meaningless
- Meanly
- Meanness
- Means
- Means for embezzlement
- Means of attaining salvation
- Means of subsistence
- Meant
- Meantime meanwhile
- Measels
- Measles
- Measuring-tape
- Meat and drink
- Mechanical arts
- Mechanize
- Meddling
- Median
- Median nerve
- Mediatory
- Mediatrix
- Medical care
- Medical leave
- Medication
- Medicinal
- Medicinal ghee-it induces hunger
- Medicinal grass
- Medicinal herb-folia malabathy
- Medievalist
- Meditate
- Meditates
- Meditation
- Medium
- Medium term
- Medley
- Medulla oblongata
- Meek
- Meenam
- Meet the ear
- Meet the eye
- Meeting house
- Meetup
- Mega
- Megabyte
- Megaton
- Melanoma
- Mellifluent
- Mellifluous
- Melodic
- Meltingly
- Member
- Membraneous
- Membranous
- Memento
- Memorize
- Menace
- Menacing
- Mend fences
- Mendacity
- Mender
- Mendicant-beggar
- Mendicants bowl
- Mene maculata
- Mensal