- Chief counsellor
- Chilean gurilla leader
- Chilled
- Chilli
- Chillness
- Chillum
- China rose
- China silk
- Chola dynasty
- Cholecystitis
- Cholesterol
- Choose between
- Chopper
- Chopping
- Choral
- Choreographer
- Choreography
- Chortle
- Chowder
- Christ
- Chrysoberyl
- Chrysophilist
- Chuck someone under the chin
- Chuck something
- Chuck up
- Chuffed
- Chug
- Chum mage
- Chummy
- Chums
- Chunky
- Churchgoers
- Churchyard
- Churlish
- Circularize
- Circulatory
- Circumcised
- Circumcision
- Circumferentor
- Circumlocution
- Circumnavigate
- Circumspect
- Circumspection
- Civilization
- Clad
- Clam meat
- Clandestine marriage
- Clandestinely
- Clang
- Clannish
- Clapping
- Claque
- Claw-hammer
- Clawback
- Clax of brass
- Clay cart
- Clayey
- Clean-shaved head
- Cleanly
- Cleanser
- Cleansing
- Clear a debt
- Clear ones throat
- Clear statement
- Cliche
- Cliche-ridden
- Cliched
- Click
- Client
- Cliff-hanger
- Climatic
- Climatics
- Climax
- Climb
- Climbable
- Climbing
- Cline
- Clinic
- Clinical thermometer
- Close up
- Close-set
- Closing date
- Clot buster
- Cloth
- Cloth for onam
- Co-action
- Co-brother
- Co-brother-in-law
- Co-extensive
- Co-habiting
- Co-student
- Coadjutant
- Coal field
- Coal-black
- Coalesce
- Cock of the walk
- Cock-up
- Cockroach
- Coconut husk
- Coconut scrapes