- Canoeist
- Canola
- Canon
- Canonize
- Canophilia
- Canopy
- Cant
- Capriccio
- Caprice
- Capsicum
- Capsize
- Capstan
- Captcha
- Captious
- Caput draconis
- Capybara
- Carabineer
- Carafe
- Carambola
- Caramel
- Careerist
- Caret
- Careya arborea
- Cargo
- Caricaturist
- Caries
- Caring
- Carry off
- Carry or take can
- Carry out
- Cart-pullers
- Carte blanche
- Carton
- Caruncle
- Carvat
- Carve out
- Caryatid
- Case
- Cast off
- Cast pearls before swine
- Cast-away skin of snake
- Casteism
- Caster of metals
- Castigate
- Castillian
- Catalist
- Castor-oil-plant
- Casty away
- Casuality
- Casualty
- Casualty ward
- Catch phrase
- Catching
- Catchments area
- Catchy
- Cbc
- Categorise
- Cathedral
- Catholic
- Causing pain
- Causing to shine
- Caustic
- Causticity
- Cauterisation
- Cauterise
- Caution
- Cautious
- Cavalier
- Cavalry officer
- Cave
- Cave in
- Caveman
- Cavil
- Cavity
- Caw
- Celsius
- Cement
- Cementation
- Cenobite
- Cenosity
- Censorious
- Censorship
- Censuring
- Census
- Cent
- Centage
- Centenarian
- Centigrade
- Centigram
- Centilitre
- Cerulean
- Cervix
- Cess
- Cfd
- Chaff
- Chain reaction
- Chair
- Chaise
- Chandlery
- Change gears