- Cemetery
- Cense
- Censer
- Censured
- Centenario
- Centerpiece
- Centesimal
- Central conic
- Central travancore
- Certificate
- Certified
- Cerumen
- Cervical
- Cessation
- Cession
- Chagrined
- Chain bridge
- Chain of waves
- Chain printer
- Chain-smoker
- Chained to oar
- Chairmanship
- Chandler
- Change
- Change colour
- Change hande
- Change hands
- Change of colour
- Change of shape
- Change ones mind
- Change the subject
- Channa dal
- Chanting
- Chants
- Chaos
- Chap fallen
- Charity begins at home
- Charmer
- Charming girl
- Charter
- Chartered
- Chartered accountant
- Charwoman
- Chase
- Chase ones tail
- Chasse
- Chaste
- Cheesecake
- Cheesy
- Chelan
- Chemical weapon
- Chemophobia
- Cheque
- Cherished
- Chernozem
- Chief singer
- Chikungunya
- Child
- Child prodigy
- Child safety lock
- Childishness
- Childline
- Children
- Chirrup
- Chit
- Chithrini
- Chitty foreman
- Chivalry
- Chivvy
- Chivy
- Chloroform
- chock-a-block
- Choke
- Choke damp
- Choker
- Chrysanthemum
- Chrysanthus
- Chubby
- Chukle
- Chump
- Chunk
- Churlishness
- Churn
- Churned
- Churning rod
- Circuit
- Circulation
- Circumference
- Circumrotation
- Civilised
- Claimed
- Clairaudience
- Clam up
- Clammy
- Clamor
- Clamour
- Clamp down on
- Clap of thunder
- Clearance sale
- Clearness